Lucy Latte and Cathy Chino write to each other every week. They
discuss the issues of the day, keep up-to-date with village affairs and chat about the latest bake. Raising Agents steams open the envelope on this personal correspondence, providing a unique insight into their world - why not take a peek?!

These fabulous friends take their inspiration from a variety of books and bakers, but no-one compares to Queen of Cakes, Mrs Mary Berry CBE, so pop on your pinny, grab yourself a wooden spoon and join them!

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Lemon Meringue Tart

Dear Lucy,

So sorry to have worried you, I know how much you live on your nerves and should have been more thoughtful before we jetted off to sunnier climes.

We had a fabulously cultural time, as we had a had a few Spanish lessons before we went and excercised our knowlege at every opportunity. I was able to ask for the little Chinos' burgers to be delivered 'sin queso' and for 'dos Coca Colas' when we ventured out for our evening meal; I even tried a paella - bien! You would have loved the jug of Sangria we had one evening, I have surfed the net and found a recipe which will enable me to recreate a bit of Spain in North Yorkshire. Staying in a fabulous villa enabled the little Chinos to enjoy the benefits of a private pool; I know that you will interpret that as a spot of 'skinny-dipping' but, what with the pool man coming from time to time and the searing heat, we didn't dare expose any more of their delicate flesh than was strictly necessary.

Please apologise to PC Selby for me; I really think that an APB, as they say on the television, was a little extreme, perhaps I can make it up to him with a cake...

Talking of baking, I have managed to dabble since I returned, but I think I must be out of practice; as you will clearly see from the photograph, the results were not pretty. Lemon Meringue [page 168] is a bit of a Chino family favourite and I have made it a number of times, using dear Mary Berry's recipe, so I thought I was on to a winner. I have fond memories of my old Nanny's efforts, although a cannot be sure if she didn't use a packet mix and I wouldn't blame her if she did - it's a really intensive baking experience. It all began to go wrong for me with the pastry: it was easy to make and I lined the tin well but, I feel, made the mistake of reading the guidance notes on 'How to line a flan tin' [page 151]; I was advised to curve the edge of the pastry, prior to baking blind, as this would mke it easier to "unmould" once cooled. Well, when I came to remove it from the oven, it had curled over completely and seemed to be consuming my baking beans! The lack of sides to my pastry case meant that the lemon filling could not be contained and oozed out further when I put on the meringue topping. Oh dear! Not my finest hour. However, it was delicious and we managed to consume it all within 24 hours!

I fear that Margo will have something to say about all of this debacle, but quite frankly, a woman who confuses coriander for mould won't be taking up much of my time.

Sorry I haven't managed to pop down to see you over the summer break, we have a puppy and are rather tied to home at present.

Much love to you and yours,

Cathy x

1 comment:

  1. I must say I am a little confused at your take on the famous "lemon" meringue pie, perhaps dear your egg mixture was a little too heavy, or were you maybe too full of sangria and forgot to put in the lemon filling all together?? either way your family were clearly hungry that day. Adios. Margo
